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Stanowisko: profesor US
Katedra: Katedra Teologii Biblijnej i Historii Kościoła


  • Biblia a przemoc / Bibel and violenc
  • Księga Lamentacji / Lamentations
  • Sens życia w myśli W. Frankla i jego biblijno-teologiczny kontekst / The meaning of life in W. Frankl’s thought and its biblical-theological context
  • Integralna teologia biblijna / Integral biblical theology



Cezary Korzec – priest, licentiate of biblical sciences (Rome, Biblicum 1997), dr hab. (PhD post-doctoral degree), professor of the University of Szczecin, biblical scholar, research scientist of the Cathedral of Biblical Exegesis of the University of Szczecin. Author of articles and books on biblical topics, e.g.: „Gabrielu wyjaśnij temu to widzenie …” Dn 8,16. Wizja i jej wyjaśnienie: studium kompozycji Dn 8 („Gabriel explain to this one this vision …” Dan. 8:16. Vision and its explanation: study of the composition of Dan. 8) Szczecin 2009; Ścieżka biblijnego konsensusu: ku integralnej teologii biblijnej (Path of the biblical consensus: towards integral biblical theology), Wroclaw 2013. On the Polish-German border, he implements the original design of a biblical garden ( He conducts research in the field of biblical theology and interdisciplinary issues.

Since 2015, he has been carrying out a project titled: Bible and violence. Within it, international conferences were held: November 2015: International Interdisciplinary Conference, Love Your Enemies, Department of Biblical Exegesis and Theology, Szczecin – Rosow and International Biblical Conference: Bible Caught in Violence, Rosow-Szczecin 5-6 May 2017. Materials from the conference appeared in the book “Miłujcie waszych nieprzyjaciół” (Mt 5,44). Chrześcijanie wobec prześladowań („Love your enemies” (Matt. 5:44). Christians against persecution), Pro Loco Bono, ZAPOL: Szczecin 2016 ( In state of preparation are materials from the 2017 conference (publication scheduled December 2018) and the next international conference (Bibel and Violence, May 2019).

Numer pokoju: 208















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